Advisors and Consultants

Dr. Mei is a renowned nephrologist and scientist. He is Professor of Internal Medicine at Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, an affiliated teaching hospital of the Second Military Medical University. He served as Chairman at Department of Nephrology in Changzheng Hospital and was the Founding Director of Kidney Institute. He was a member of Standing Committee, Secretary and Vice President of Chinese Nephrology Association, Chairman of Shanghai Nephrology Association. He also served as the editor-in-chief and standing committee for 10 national magazines.

Dr. Mei received his M.D. degree from the Second Military Medical University. He was a visiting scholar with Dr. Richard Tanner at University of Southern California and Dr. Stefan Somlo at Yale University School of Medicine during 1993-1995 and 2000-2001 respectively. His pioneering research in the molecular mechanism of renal fibrosis and polycystic kidney diseases, combined with over 40 years of clinical experience, made him a revered key opinion leader in areas such as acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, acute kidney injury, blood purification and cystic kidney disease.

Dr. Mei has won numerous awards and honors for his distinguished contribution to scientific research and clinical practice in nephrology. Under his leadership, the nephrology department has become a technology center, a research institute and a national key study program. Dr. Mei has published more than 427 peer-reviewed papers, 14 books and obtained six patents.

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